Rob Stearns
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ATL Media Veteran Rob Stearns Joins Best Nest Senior Advisors Team

Effective August 18th, former STAR94 Sales Manager and Ad Agency Director ATL Media Veteran Rob Stearns joins Best Nest Senior Advisors Team, led by Cindy Richards, Founder at Best Nest Senior Advisors to help to meet our demand and provide even more of the utmost level of service we are known for. Rob enjoyed a…

taking the keys away from an elderly driver
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When taking the keys away from an elderly driver becomes necessary

There are many reasons that it may become necessary for taking the keys away from an elderly driver. Whether it is a physical and/or mental reason, family members are often put in the tough position of taking the keys away from another family member. One of the biggest reasons for taking away the car keys…

senior living advisor
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What is a Senior Living Advisor?

A senior living advisor sometimes referred to as a senior living care professional, senior care consultant, eldercare advisor, or senior living broker is a professional who assists individuals and their families navigate the process of finding the best housing option for a senior family member’s needs and budget when they’re looking towards the next life…